12 research outputs found

    Gestão monetária e regulação em Portugal (1974-1984)

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    A industrialização argelina : balanço de uma experiência

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    Procuro neste relatório abordar a industrialização argelina no pós independência. Num prazo relativamente curto - duas décadas - os governos do país, obedecendo a um programa claramente definido, dirigiram com grande tenacidade um processo de industrialização. As paisasens industrial e agrícola, económica e social saíram desse processo profundamente transformadas. A minha preocupação central foi tentar conhecer e compreender as transformações ocorridas, as suas ligações e de que modo, uma vez posto em acção, o processo se autonomizou e criou uma dinâmica própria razoavelmente independente do projecto de partida. Não tive nem tenho interesse em fazer um balanço sumário, e por isso alinharei em conclusão apenas algumas ideias mestras.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Networks and the organisation of knowledge intensive sectors

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    This paper addresses the role of networks in the organisation of two different knowledge intensive sectors - biotechnology and software. Its main aim is to identify and explain the differences in the architecture of the networks, formal and informal, mobilised to access resources and competences by young entrepreneurial firms in those two sectors in Portugal. Then it discusses the diversity of the actual network topologies in the light of their contribution to the organisation of those sectors, taking into account their specific environment. For this purpose, it applies a methodology that permits to assemble a vast array of data capturing the nature and contents of the range of relationships through which key innovation resources flow into the firms. The results show that, when a detailed analysis is carried out, significant inter-sectoral differences emerge, both in the network diagrams and in the measures of composition and structure. We argue that those different topologies make sense regarding the empirical literature and shed light on the specific organisation of the sectors, with their strengths, weaknesses and policy-driven influences

    A critical assessment of organic agriculture in Portugal: A reflection on the agro-food system transition

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    Over the last few decades, the organic agriculture sector has experienced sustained growth. Globally, as well as in the European Union and Portugal, organic production accounts for just under 10% of total Utilised Agricultural Area (UAA) (FiBL, 2019; Eurostat, 2019; DGADR, 2019; INE, 2019; GPP, 2019). This growth has been seen in terms of production, number of producers, amount of retail sales, imports and exports. This article attempts to build on the multi-level perspective (MLP) of the socio-technical (ST) transitions theory by employing a whole systems analysis (Geels, 2018) of organic agriculture in Portugal, which defends an integrated vision of the systems, where multiple interactions occur within and among the niche, the regime and the landscape levels. This approach has been employed in order to develop a critical analysis of the current state of the Portuguese organic agriculture sector, stressing the multiplicity of elements that are contributing to the agro-food system´s transformation into a more sustainable one. In fact, the agro-food system is related with climate change but also has connections with other domains such as public health, water management, land use and biodiversity. Therefore, it is affected by shifts in these areas. This analysis considers developments in increasing domestic organic production, number of producers, amount of retail sales, imports, exports, market innovations, and the sector´s reconfiguration. The organic sector´s increase has been attributed to European regulation, institutionalization, standardization, farmer certification, external (government) subsidy support programs, incremental market improvements (visibility and product access), the emergence of new retailers, the rise of supporting consumers and a shift away from conventional agriculture (Truninger, 2010; DGADR, 2019; Pe´er et al, 2019). However, together with positive incentives, this sector also faces numerous barriers that are hindering a faster transformation. Difficulties for the sector to date have included: product placement; a disconnect between production, distribution and marketing systems; high transport costs; competition from imports; European subsidies focused on extensive crops (pastures, olive groves, and arable crops), entailing a substantial growth in the area of pasture to the detriment of other crops; the fact that the products that are in demand (fresh vegetables and fruit) are being neglected by Portuguese producers; expensive certification procedures; lack of adequate support and market expertise for national producers; the hybrid configuration of the sector; and price. Organic agriculture as a niche-innovation is still not greatly contributing to overall agricultural production. The low supply of organic products, despite its ever-increasing demand, suggests that a transition to increased organic production requires a deeper and faster food system reconfiguration, where an array of distinct policies are mobilized and a diversity of actions take place at different levels (Geels, 2018; Pe´er et al, 2019). This paper will attempt to contribute an overall critical assessment of the organic sector´s features and evolution and will identify some of the main obstacles to be overcome, in order to boost the sustainability transition of the agro-food system in Portugal

    O sistema alimentar em Portugal

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    Este artigo tem como objetivo a identificação e análise crítica das políticas públicas com um papel chave na transição do sistema alimentar para um modelo sustentável através da referência ao caso português. A investigação dá resposta à seguinte pergunta : quais são as políticas públicas a mobilizar na transição do sistema alimentar português para formas mais sustentáveis ? Após a revisão de literatura, com referência a alguns dos debates e conceitos centrais da problemática da transição do sistema alimentar, serão identificadas políticas públicas, europeias e nacionais, com grande impacto na transição do sistema alimentar para a sustentabilidade. O Pacto Ecológico Europeu constitui o ponto de partida. Seguem-se a Política Agrícola e de Desenvolvimento Rural Comum, a Política de Coesão Territorial, a Política de Ordenamento do Território e a Política de Aquisições Públicas. A importância da dimensão territorial e a necessidade de maior integração e coerência das políticas públicas para a transformação do sistema alimentar são as principais conclusões da investigação apresentada

    Entrepreneurship and social networks in IT sectors: the case of the software industry in Portugal

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    Empirical research has repeatedly confirmed that social networks are important for the creation, survival and growth of new companies. In this article, the leading research questions are: 1) how do networks contribute to the creation of software firms and further development of a competitive IT sector; 2) what is the structure and features of those networks; 3) how have they evolved from the companies? founding stage to the current period; 4) what resources (scientific and technological knowledge, skills, and others) do entrepreneurs mobilize through their networks. Based on a survey of 13 companies, those research questions have been tested, using a methodology that combines applied statistical techniques and social network analysis. Our results seem to support our research questions. They also show that some companies and research units play a relevant role as brokers in the access of many companies to technological, informational and other resources. JEL Codes: L26, M13, L86, L96entrepreneurship, social network analysis, firm creation, IT Subsector, software industry